22 July 2011

I'm on holiday until Monday 1st August - and other news...

Betty Bags now in the Astarte Gallery, Petworth

The Astarte Gallery at The Old Bank House, Market Square in Petworth has now kindly taken my Betty Bags for sale, together with my new shoe clips (more details coming soon!).  I will be showcasing some more of my work there at a later date, I believe with other local artists and creaters.

Please go and have a browse, and meet Jackie Tudor and her daughter Louise who makes very gorgeous pure wool wraps and corsages.

There is contemporary and modern 20th century British paintings, antique furniture and objet d art, sculptures, bronzes and glass, and some very lovely modern jewellery.


I am busy preparing for some workshops I am doing in the summer holidays at The Rainbow Rooms in College Hill, Haslemere, Surrey.    They will run every Wednesday for four weeks from 3rd August.  There is a class in the mornings for children aged 5 plus making felt monsters, and an afternoon class with children from aged 8 up making tote bags and learning to use a sewing machine.

I am told that the spaces fill up very quickly, so if you are interested please ring Penny or Kate on 01428 653341, or by email at:  info@therainbowrooms.co.uk.  It is my first venture into classes but I am really looking forward to it.  Alternatively you can have a look at their website at: therainbowroomshop.com.


My children have broken up from school/playgroup and we are off in our little caravan tomorrow to The New Forest and Dorset.  I can't wait for the break, valuable time with my family, and really looking forward to new inspirations!  If your off on holiday too have a wonderful break.

  Kerry x