15 June 2012

The Vintage Parade - 21 July 2012

My next sale will be at The Vintage Parade in Chichester on the 21 July 2012.  This is an amazing event showcasing everything from clothes to cakes, kitchenalia to toys, and you can even have your hair done by on site hairdressers in vintage style, plus lots more.  I am really looking forward to it.  This will be my first time there, and am told that everyone makes the effort and dresses up creating a fabulous vintage atmosphere.  I shall of course be donning my vintage tea dress, red lips and heels for such an event!

On my stall I shall have my new "Betty" bags made from gorgeous vintage and reclaimed fabrics, plus buttons, corsages, hair pins, brooches, and my handmade knickers, not to be missed!!

I really look forward to seeing you all there for a fantastic day.  For more information please go to http://www.vintageparade.co.uk